I first took the political compass test, which suggested I was left libertarian (although only slightly leftward leaning). I found many of the questions lacking in neutrality and liable to lead others towards certain answers with their inflections upon the morality of the opposing choice. I looked to the other quiz for a second opinion and it found that I had libertarian leanings as well. It also marked me as a centrist, but I attribute that to my uncertainty on a couple of answers. However, I was more satisfied after it since the questions were properly neutral.
Upon considering the results and the descriptions provided for others, I have come to the conclusion that I am definitely libertarian when it comes to most matters, but not extremely so. The centrist aspect shown in the second quiz may be a bit inaccurate, but it actually represents my belief in balance. The trouble is that balance in our government has become muddled and forgotten in our ignorance and the media's influence.
In explanation, I believe that the elderly should not receive government money, as they should have learned to plan for their own future. Since there is a possibility of people with terrible luck, I also believe that those that cannot (not will not) provide for themselves should get just enough to survive and hopefully get back on their feet. People that use the loopholes in our laws for free money are in violation of this balance. What is given must be earned, be the currency money, respect, information, or material objects.
As we are an individualist country, I believe that each person should strive to balance his or her life as completely as possible. Communism makes everyone equal, but it is not necessarily balanced since those with talent do not receive as much as they deserve and those that do nothing receive more than they have earned. On the other hand, a society where only the strong survive is one with many conflicts. Respect for the community and others is lost and group decisions are near impossible.
I acknowledge the need for the two separate parties as they create the flexibility needed to, with a properly informed populace, overcome anything life throws at us as a nation. However, I don't really take sides when it comes to political parties because, at this point, I don't trust either of them. I strongly believe that our political system is corrupted, as is the church. They've forgotten what they stand for and use their power for their own petty wants, not the needs of others.
The powerful are role models for the weak and it is my belief that as you grow stronger you should shift your focus from yourself to others. You are not truly powerful until others recognize you as such. When you abuse that power, you gain mistrust and fear. The weak pull away in a search for a better leader and a kinder power, leaving you powerless over them.
Yes, money makes you powerful, but does that truly bring happiness? It is my belief that the purest form of happiness comes from helping others. Thus I feel worse when someone else is harmed than when I am harmed the same way. This is especially so when I am the one causing the other pain. I feel my own pain, I respect it and I may bemoan it, but it quickly passes. What lingers is guilt for the pain of others.