
I'm not quite sure when I started getting into Genealogy, but I think it started with a large orange folder I found at my grandmother's house. It was sometime after she re-married (2001) since I found it at the Wesener house, not the Kushion house. In that folder was (and still is) a fairly complete tree that goes back to my great-great grandparents on my father's side of the tree. It wasn't until years later that I really started looking into my family history though. I started an tree somewhere around 2006, although I'm not positive on the date. Since then, I've mostly used the internet exclusively to track down my ancestors and their direct descendants.

Family trees: Ancestors of Brenda & Glen Pederson One Big Tribe Poljanic-Radakovitch Genealogy

Source sites: Records Genforum Historic Map Works Saginaw Public Obituary Index World Connect