Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I found a couple of the things that Shelly said about lighting intriguing. For instance, “Lightning is the fundamental force of the universe: The ether; the spirit.” brought to mind how lightning brings fire, light, and is usually a part of water-bearing storms. Later, the conversation between Shelly and the Lord Baron was also quite illuminating:

SHELLY. Lightning has power beyond our imaginations.
LORD BARON. But aren’t imaginations greater?

I believe that both are right as lightning has an enormous destructive force and the power to generate enough power to overload our “docile” electricity. However, our imagination is “greater” because we create many ideas that better the world as well as destroy it. Lightning may be powerful, but it is part of nature and is renewing in its destruction. Human ideas, however, can be very damaging to both the environment and its own creator.

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