Thursday, October 2, 2008

Reflecting on Writing Essay 1

From 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM I worked on finishing essay 1. Most of my inspiration for the last paragraphs came from how much work writing a novel is. I looked at the wikipedia sites for J K Rowling, J R R Tolkien, and C S Lewis in an attempt to find out how much of a background they had before they started writing. I would have looked up more of my favorite authors (Piers Anthony, Tamara Pierce, Anne McCaffrey, Orson Scott Card, etc...), but I didn't have the time. However, I did find the blog site of Scott Berkun who had some beginners tips for writers.

When I was done with the last paragraph, I started from the beginning and began reading my essay. I found a few things that needed to be changed, but when I got to the half-way point I realized that I had only half an hour to get down to the Red Brix Cafe, grab something to eat, and then head for class.

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